Emory- Sage-SGC-Jax TREAT AD Center

NIA-funded TaRget Enablement to Accelerate Therapy Development for AD (TREAT-AD) translational centers support target discovery and development of new drug candidates. The Emory-Sage-Structural Genomics Consortium-Jax Center, under Dr. Levey's leadership, along with others at Emory and the Center Neurodegenerative Disease, has been developing high-quality research tools for novel targets identified through the Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Program for Alzheimer's Disease (AMP® AD) program and other NIA-supported big data initiatives, since 2019. Dr. Haian Fu, Chair of the Emory Dept of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology, leads the assay core for high throughput screening of hit compounds. The primary approach for the Emory-Sage-SGC-Jax TREAT-AD Center, features a rich portfolio of emerging AD targets across many biological pathways. This team is developing an array of research tools as assembled in target enabling packages (TEPs) that a broad range of academic and biotech industry scientists can use to study the biology of new and under-studied targets, or as seeds for new drug discovery efforts.

Please visit the TREAT - AD Center website.

Emory Contact

Ranjita Betarbet, PhD
Telephone :
Mailing Address:
Emory University School of Medicine
Center for Neurodegenerative Disease
Whitehead Biomedical Research Building
615 Michael Street 5th Floor, Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30322